Issue Corruption

Nixon on Corruption


Museum of the Moving Image
The Living Room Candidate - Transcript
"Nixon on Corruption," Eisenhower, 1952

[TEXT: This is a Paid Political Announcement By The EISENHOWER-NIXON California Committee]

MALE NARRATOR #1: The following is a paid political broadcast by the Eisenhower/Nixon California Committee.


Nixon: Let's take a look at corruption. You know it ranges all the way from petty political larceny to grand government theft. And as far as corruption is concerned I want to make this one point very clear. I worked for the government, for nine months during 1942. Mrs. Nixon worked for the government in San Francisco while I was in service overseas. I am proud of the fact that I once worked for the federal government. I am proud of millions of fine, good, honest, decent, loyal people that work for the federal government. And I say that the best thing that can be done for them is to kick out the crooks and the others that have besmirched their reputations in Washington D.C. and that's what we're going to do.

MALE NARRATOR #2: Elect the Eisenhower/Nixon team on November 4th.


"Nixon on Corruption," Eisenhower-Nixon California Committee, 1952

Video courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library.

From Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012. (accessed October 22, 2024).


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Corruption has been a subject of TV campaign ads since the beginning, when Eisenhower promised to clean up Washington from scandals that had plagued the Harry Truman administration, which influenced the president’s decision not to seek re-election.
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Nixon on Corruption Morality Newspapers Secrecy Stripes
Vice-presidential candidate Richard Nixon’s tirade in “Nixon on Corruption” is ironic in light of later events.
The B-movie theatrics of Barry Goldwater’s ad “Morality” did little to damage Lyndon Johnson’s campaign.

In 1972, nearly a year before the Senate began its Watergate investigation, most voters were unconcerned by the slowly expanding scandal referred to in George McGovern’s ad “Newspapers.”
Jimmy Carter’s vision of a fresh, open government was expressed not just by his words in “Secrecy,” but by his casual style and the rural setting.
Bob Dole’s humorous 1996 ad “Stripes” tried to make hay out of the sex scandal that was yet to fully emerge.