The Big Switch
Melanie Scribner and son Randy Jr.Charlotte, North Carolina ~melscrib/williams.htm
I switched political parties between history and algebra classes.
I have been considering becoming a Democrat for about 8 years because during
that period of time I have felt less and less represented by the Republican
party and more and more that the issues I'm concerned with are being
addressed by the Democratic party. As a woman, I am
concerned with minority issues, and as a student, I am definitely concerned
with education in America.
I think President Clinton's program to guarantee two years of community
college is a good idea. If such a plan were implemented, it would put
education in the hands (and minds) of people who otherwise couldn't afford
it. Community colleges are more than just technical schools these days.
They teach life skills. Not only can a person learn a trade or complete the
first two years of a four-year degree at a community college, these
institutions teach basic literacy, and English as a second language. They retrain corporate America.
President Clinton visited my college in July. I was one of the volunteers
from the college who helped the presidential staff. The essay on my home page constitutes my observations about Clinton's visit and many people have found them powerful when combined with the photographs that inspired them.
A Brighter Future
by Mark Abrams Warwick, Rhode Island
Six years ago, I decided to move to New England in 1990 to accept a position as a Design Engineer, but quickly found
myself out of a job as the company had to layoff to remain financially solvent. I remained
unemployed for most of 1991 until finding another entry-level position. I worked and trained for this large corporation for almost
three years before being laid off.
Before President Clinton's economic leadership, the overall perception of a rudderless economic course added to the instability in the business
community and I believe had a direct affect on the working lives of many Americans, not just myself.
Unemployment and inflation was high and business investment in infrastructure and new hiring was at
a ten year low.
I can definitely see how the economic changes in the past three years have impacted my life.

Now, I've been working for a new company in Southern New England and I feel less worried about my working
I now have the resources to support a family which freed me to marry my long-time girlfriend.
I and my new wife are now in the process of building a new home in a beautiful area of the state.
I'm convinced that the President has kept extremists from both sides at bay on important social and economic issues
by compromising when needed to keep us moving forward
as a country. My wife and I consider ourselves as ‘moderates’ and we believe the President and
Vice President share our core beliefs in family, the environment, education, and a stable long-term
plan for the economy.
Ohio Design
by Robert Farmer Upper Arlington, OH
Dear America's Home Page
I used all of the campaign
button designs from your website and made an animated
gif. I hope you don't mind. Actually, I hope you like it!
Take it if you do, and use it as much as you can!
Thank you, and you have MY vote in '96!
Protecting the Future
by Hank Eliot, Jr. Hartford, CT
Dear America's Home Page
I just wanted you guys to know that the protection of
our environment is the most important issue to me
besides the education of my 6 year old girl Mariah.
The other day my daughter asked me if the forests and
lakes and rivers and air would still be this nice
when she grows up. I cried and promised her that
they would. Please help me to keep my promise.
Thanks and good luck. Al Gore, I salute you as the
best and most knowledgable environmental leader in
the free world. Peace,
ps... you have my vote!!!!!