Clinton, Yes!
by Tarja Black
My web site lists many of President Clintons accomplishments while
refuting Republican economic predictions and the Dole election bid in general.
I launched the site in order to counter negative remarks about
the President found on the Internet.
I live in Los Angeles, and I'm 60 years old. I changed my on-line name to Tarja (from Ethel)
so that younger web users would be attracted to the site as well.
Here's a quote from the What Were About section of my site:
[The President] undoubtably knows hed get more
political payoff by helping bankers instead of students or by lowering the
taxes of late-night comics instead of the taxes of low-income workers. But as
a man of character, he does the right thing anyway.

In the Presence of Power
by Marty Gallanter
My name is Marty Gallanter. I'm an ex-New Yorker living in rural Minnesota. One
day, I went to hear the President and Vice President speak at the National Rural Conference at
the Univeristy of Iowa. Once there, I found that the two men I had only
experienced through TV screens and newspaper articles became real, living
people that cared deeply about rural America. I wrote up an editorial which
is posted on my web site, and also want to share his story with Clinton/Gore supporters.
Here's an excerpt: I expected the President to open the conference and
leave. He didn't. He chaired it personally for over five hours and when his
voice began to fade, the Vice-President took over. The huge briefing books set down by the aides
for the President and Vice-President were never opened.
Both men carried on extensive and complex
discussions supported entirely by the knowledge they carried in their heads.

Major Speeches of the President
by Jane Prettyman
http://www.rain.org/~openmind/ together.htm
I've created a web site with five major speeches of the President
including photographs and quotes. I chose the
speeches because they embody American values the President stands for:
tolerance, free speech, religious freedom, civil rights and national community.
President Clinton will be remembered for his values and I'm
helping keep his words in the public domain through my site.
 These speeches are powerful and
clear and educationally important for the re-election effort
 Here's a quote from one of my favorite speeches: If you want to preserve your own
freedom, you must
stand up for the freedom of others with whom you disagree. You cannot have one
without the other.
President Clinton, Michigan State University speech after Oklahoma bombing,
March 1995