11/03/96 - Morning in America 11/02/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement "Guide"
11/01/96 - President Clinton's Free Air Time Remarks
11/01/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement (in Spanish): "Education"
11/01/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Spirit"
11/01/96 - Over 1,100 Republicans Endorse Clinton/Gore '96
11/01/96 - Our Strengthened Economy
10/31/96 - Elie Wiesel Endorses Clinton/Gore '96
10/31/96 - President Clinton's Medicare Plan, Dole's Tax Scheme
10/31/96 - Former NYPD Commissioner William Bratton Endorses Clinton/Gore '96
10/30/96 - "Just Vote! '96" Tour Takes Latino Leaders and Celebrities to Campaign Rallies Nationwide
10/30/96 - President Clinton's Free Air Time Remarks
10/30/96 - The President's Leadership and our Economic Strength
10/28/96 - Smallest Deficit in Fifteen Years
10/28/96 - Transcript of the President's Free Air Time Remarks
10/28/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement (in Spanish): "Jobs"
10/26/96 - Get Out the Women's Vote Weekend: Events in 15 States
10/26/96 - Response to Bob Dole's Radio Address
10/25/96 - Youth Committees for Clinton/Gore '96 Formed
10/25/96 - NetDay Email From President Clinton
10/25/96 - President Kicks Off Youth Voter Effort
10/25/96 - President and First Lady Kick Off "Get Out the Women's Vote Weekend"
10/24/96 - Transcript of the President's Free Air Time Remarks
10/24/96 - Rural Americans Unite to Support Reelection
10/24/96 - Perot Says "No" to Dole
10/24/96 - Over 100 Environmental Leaders Endorse Clinton/Gore '96
10/24/96 - Vice President and First Lady Attend "National Education Day" Events
10/24/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Counting"
10/24/96 - Another Bob Dole Anniversary
10/24/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Safe"
10/22/96 - The President's Free Air Time Remarks
10/22/96 - Questions for Dole's Campaign Finance Record
10/22/96 - College Day Kick Off
10/21/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Desperate"
10/21/96 - "The Economy Has Never Been Better"
10/21/96 - President, Vice President and First Lady To Kick Off College Day
10/21/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Front"
10/21/96 - Dole's Record on Campaign Finance Reform
10/20//96 - Dole and Campaign Finance Reform
10/20/96 - Dole's Uneducation Record
10/19/96 - Dole's October Surprise - Raiding Pensions
10/19/96 - Dole and Campaign Contributions
10/18/96 - President Clinton's Free Air Time Remarks
10/18/96 - Three Investigations into Dole Fundraising
10/18/96 - Bob Dole's Lessons from Watergate
10/17/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Seconds"
10/14/96 - Dole's Negative Campaign
10/13/96 - Kemp To Check Tax Scheme with CBO
10/12/96 - The First Lady Kicks Off Domestic Violence Awareness Day
10/12/96 - President Clinton's Free Air Time Remarks on the Fox Network
10/12/96 - Progress Over Negativity
10/11/96 - 41 States Hold "Domestic Violence Awareness Day" Activities
10/11/96 - State Attorneys General Endorse Clinton/Gore '96
10/11/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Missing"
10/10/96 - More Than 100 National Security Experts Endorse the President's Reelection
10/9/96 - Prebuttal: VP Debates
10/9/96 - Dole's "Gender Gap Blues" Revisited
10/9/96 - Clinton/Gore '96 and Advertisements
10/8/96 - President Clinton's Remarks on the Fox Network
10/8/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement: "Preserve"
10/7/96 - Campaign Flashback: Dole and Medicare
10/7/96 - More Than 2,500 CEO's and Business Leaders Endorse President Clinton
10/7/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement "Responsibility"
10/5/96 - President Clinton's Remarks on the Fox Network
10/5/96 - Response to Bob Dole's Radio Address
10/5/96 - Environmental Groups Endorse Clinton/Gore
10/4/96 - Campaign Releases New Advertisement "Next Century"
10/3/96 - Campaign Adds Honorary Chair
10/3/96- Campaign Releases New Advertisement "Imagine"
10/2/96 - Bob Dole in Elizabethtown, PA
10/02/96 - Bob Dole: Against the Brady Bill
10/02/96 - President's Remarks on the Fox Network
10/01/96 - A Questionable Campaign Promise
September Releases August Releases July Releases June Releases
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.