| Put 100,000 more police officers on
the street. More than 43,000 officers have already been
 | Imposed a targeted
Three-Strikes-and-Youre-Out provision to put career violent offenders
bars for life.
 | Expanded the death penalty to include
drug kingpins, murderers of federal law enforcement officers and
nearly 60 additional categories of violent felons.
 | Provided funding for 100,000 more
prison cells to help states ensure that violent offenders serve their
full sentences.
 | The number of murders fell 8% in
1995one of the largest decreases in more than 30 years. The
nations largest cities saw their overall crime fall 6% during the same
 | Stood up to the gun lobby and won
passage of the Brady Bill. As a result, more than 60,000
fugitives, felons and other criminals have already been blocked from
buying handguns.
 | Banned the manufacture and importation
of 19 of the deadliest assault weapons while specifically
protecting more than 650 legitimate sporting weapons. (Assault Weapons
Ban) |
 | Developed a comprehensive National Drug
Control Strategy that will reduce illegal drug use through
law enforcement, prevention, treatment and interdiction.
 | Breaking the cycle of drugs and crime
through universal drug testing in the criminal justice system and
by providing funding for drug courts.
 | Cocaine use in the U.S. has decreased
more than 30% since 1992.
 | Provided $156 million in state grants to bolster local
law enforcement, prosecution and victims services to better address
violence against women.
(Violence Against Women Act)
 | Established nationwide 24-hour domestic
violence hotline providing immediate crisis intervention,
counseling and referrals for those in need.
 | Keeping dangerous weapons out of our
childrens classrooms by enforcing a Zero Tolerance gun
policy in schools.
 | Reducing violence and drug abuse in
our schools by investing in school security, drug prevention
programs and counseling. (Safe and Drug-Free Schools Act)
 | Encouraged schools to consider
adopting school
uniform policies to help reduce violence while promoting
discipline and respect. |
 | Stood firm against illegal immigration
and deported a record 51,600 illegal and criminal aliens in 1995a
15% increase over 1994.
 | Increasing the number of Border Patrol
agents along the southwestern border by 50% to stem the flow of
illegal aliens into the United States.