Here's a list of issue areas that were raised in tonight's debate and the real
Clinton/Gore record. (Click on each issue for the full record).
Keeping Campaign Promises
Best Economy in 30 Years
Dole Medicare Cuts
Defense Budget
Illegal Immigrants and Benefits
Manufacturing Jobs
John Ruda Dudley, MA
Clinton has performed well in each debate and has given himself a well-deserved backing from the American people
Scott Precher Manhattan Beach, CA
...I felt an incredible amount of integrity after that moment and also sensed a President who really cared about us ... the American people.
Julie Reid Capo Beach, CA
I think you did a terrific job tonight and elevated the
Matthew Eason Rockville, MD
I feel he has a better plan
for the future and a better understanding of what young
people want in the future...
Dharm Guruswamy Atlanta, GA
Clinton fits well on the world stage which will
be important as the next President will lead American foreign affairs into
the next century...
Pam Kirby Russellville, KY
He focused on the issues relating to our future and solving problems that now face us.
Dennis Bubla San Antonio, TX
He has done more for our country than any president I have come to remember.
Scott Forbes Baraboo, WI
It is wonderful to have a President who is a voice for unity AND is a statesman after all these years.
Alan Hall Birmingham, AL
President Clinton offers a vision to restore the American dream and to bring people together.
Suzanne Gomez Martinez, CA
I and my family are
ready to cross that bridge to the 21st century with Clinton/Gore.
Mark Solomon Ames, IA
The President is a man of character
and commitment. As a new citizen of the United
States, it will be a pleasure to cast my FIRST ever
vote for Clinton/Gore.
Rick Snyder Shelburne, VT
The President is to be commended for keeping his focus
in the debates on the issues.