Here's a list of issue areas that were raised in tonight's debate and the real
Clinton/Gore record. (Click on each issue for the full record).
Economic Growth
Dole Tax Plan
Supply Side Economics
Empowerment Zones
Clinton/Gore Tax Cut Proposals
Social Security
Cutting Government Regulations
Phillip Rugel Atlanta, GA
He was eloquent and presented many thoughtful observations and vision for the future.
Ellis Baggs
The debate obviously went to Gore.
Charles Sensale Hewitt, NJ
the Vice President is doing an
excellent job of defending the administration's record.
Tim McBrady South Portland, ME
I am totally blown away by Vice President Gore's performance.
Darren Anderson Waite Park, MN
I'm already fired-up for this
election, now I'm more so.
Paul Silva Roosevelt, NY
Vice President Gore was incredibly well prepared...
Kathryn Aaron Sunnyvale, CA
Although I am not old enough to vote...
Maryjane Schwartz Green Bay, WI
V.P. Gore proved yet again to be a man of, and for, the people.
Florence Slater Scottsdale, AZ
I have not been so impressed by a politician since seeing JFK many years ago.
John De Leon Austin, TX
I AM better off today then I was during the
previous Republican administration.