Clinton/Gore '96

The 1996 Presidential Debates. October 6 -

Hartford, CT (Presidential)

Complete Debate Transcript

Setting the Record

Straight black rule

black rule

President Clinton

Rather than offering a clear vision for the future, Bob Dole offered harsh attacks and a distorted picture of President Clinton's record.

Here's a list of issue areas and the real Clinton/Gore record. (Click on each issue for the full record).

Economic Growth



Balanced Budget

Dole Tax Proposal

1993 Clinton Budget



Brady Bill



Special Interest Groups


black rule

Bo Davis — Arlington, VA
“...the President kept his composure and stayed on the issues”

Marty Gallanter — Tyler, MN
“ of the more substantive Presidential debates in history”

Theresa Kmetetz — Enfield, CT
“The President was clearly the better candidate.”

Liz Carey — Cincinnati, OH
“...President Clinton is serious about the job of being President.”

Aaron Laws — Davis, CA
“I am proud to continue to support and endorse President Clinton.”

Kelly Gomas — New Port Richey, FL
“Bill Clinton represents reality and Bob Dole represents promises”

Barry House — Pittsfield, IL
“...his plan WILL take us into the 21st century on forward-looking path. ”

Joan Seibenick — Ann Arbor, MI
“It can really be summed up in two simple words future and past.”

Tarja Black — Los Angeles, CA
“...I listened to the debate on radio. In that medium, President Clinton was the clear winner.”


Paid for by Clinton/Gore ’96 General Committee, Inc.