Rather than offering a clear vision for the future, Bob Dole offered harsh attacks and a
distorted picture of President Clinton's record. Here's a list of issue areas and the real
Clinton/Gore record. (Click on each issue for the full record).
Economic Growth
Balanced Budget
Dole Tax Proposal
1993 Clinton Budget
Brady Bill
Special Interest Groups
Bo Davis Arlington, VA
...the President kept his composure and stayed on the issues
Marty Gallanter Tyler, MN
...one of the more
substantive Presidential debates in history
Theresa Kmetetz Enfield, CT
The President was clearly the better candidate.
Liz Carey Cincinnati, OH
...President Clinton is serious about the job of being President.
Aaron Laws Davis, CA
I am proud to continue to support and endorse President Clinton.
Kelly Gomas New Port Richey, FL
Bill Clinton represents reality and
Bob Dole represents promises
Barry House Pittsfield, IL
...his plan WILL take us into
the 21st century on forward-looking path.
Joan Seibenick Ann Arbor, MI
It can really be summed up in two simple words
future and past.
Tarja Black Los Angeles, CA
...I listened to the debate on radio. In that medium, President Clinton was the clear winner.